Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gulf War Syndrome alert!

Nearly two decades after the Gulf War, US veterans felt vindicated as congress has finally conferred them the medical recognition of the Gulf War Syndrome.
After coming home from the dusty battlefront terrains of the Middle East during 1991 conflict, more than a quarter of the 700,000 Gulf War troops reported persistent headaches, memory and concentration problems, unexplained fatigue and widespread pain. Some even included skin rashes, respiratory symptoms, and digestive problems. Turning their health concerns over to the medical community, Gulf War Veterans often find themselves in a position where their complaints are met with cynicism and suspicion.
Because of the complaints that these soldiers were not receiving adequate health care from the state, Washington, then, chartered the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veteran’s illnesses to investigate on the nature of the said illness.
Last November 2008, the panel has finally release its verdict. The committee confirmed the legitimacy of their claims. The 450 page-report concluded that Gulf War Syndrome is real and is caused by exposure to neurotoxic chemicals including pesticides and pyridostigmine bromide. The committee’s director, Roberta white of Boston University School of Public Health said that there is compelling evidences that substantiate veteran’s complains and their findings also support veteran’s belief that exposures to the toxic chemical during the Gulf War is related to their health problems.

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